Supply Chain Management as a discipline has evolved and matured over the past quarter of a century. Evidence proves that for businesses to be successful, we must prepare, equip and support individuals within organizations with the core skills in a proactive way so that they successfully adopt the required skills which will enable them to align their activities to the overall strategy for long term success.
Supply Chain Management therefore, provides an enabling framework for ensuring long term success.
The need for a structured, flexible methodology
Organizations adopt the discipline of Supply Chain Management in different ways depending on their business needs. For instance, they have a must-win technology implementation that can benefit from Supply Chain Management, or they decide to invest in Supply Chain Management as an organizational capability to support aggressive business growth. In other words, Supply Chain Management can vary in scope and purpose, and one organization might define and implement it differently than another.
So it’s especially important that companies leverage a structured yet flexible approach which is aligned to their own specific strategy.
Supply Chain Management at the Project Level
The application of the structured process and set of tools for leading the people side of change to achieve a desired outcome on our project.
Supply Chain Management at the Organizational Level
A leadership competency for enabling change within our organization and a strategic capability designed to increase our change capability and responsiveness
Why Supply Chain Management?
How you manage change impacts the things that matter most to your organization, including your employees, your customers and your profitability. Given that organizations are facing faster and more complex changes than ever before, the reasons for Supply Chain Management only growing. But more than anything, Supply Chain Management prepares, equips and supports employees, so they can engage, adopt and use the change successfully.
Why is Supply Chain Management important? Because change is continually impacting organizations today. Every day, new projects and initiatives emerge to boost performance, increase profits, and sharpen competitive edge. Whether you’re implementing technology for a mobile workforce, re-engineering processes for compliance, or transforming customer experience, one factor remains crucial: people. They are the key to achieving your intended outcomes—and that’s why Supply Chain Management is so important.
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